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 Varicose veins are veins that become gnarled and/or enlarged in your body, often because of pressure. This happens the most in your legs and feet, since standing upright puts the most pressure on any part of your body. Varicose veins are also referred to as spider veins, however, spider veins are usually considered milder and more common forms. While varicose veins may not cause any concern for some people, in others it can cause serious pain and problems. If nothing else, varicose veins can be an indicator that you're at risk for other circulatory problems. If you have varicose veins, it may be a good idea to bring it up with your doctor on your next visit, if it isn't bad enough to warrant a visit all by itself. Sometimes problems with varicose veins can be solved by yourself, and there are plenty of resources online with simple tricks, such as leg elevation and compression stockings.

What's happening: When blood is returned to your heart from the rest of your body, it travels through the veins. Veins coming from the bottom of your body have to fight gravity to reach your heart again. In order to prevent blood from literally falling back down the pipes of your veins, muscles contract behind each pump of circulation. This can make the blood pool in certain areas, with factors like pregnancy and age contributing to the likelihood of this happening.

Capsaicin is the active ingredient in chili peppers. It causes the burning sensation for which hot peppers are famed. It turns out that this ingredient is useful in treating pain. That might sound strange, because if you’ve eaten many peppers capsaicin seems to cause a hot burning pain in your mouth rather than treat pain. However, when made into a topical cream, capsaicin is actually very effective at reducing pain.

There is a neurochemical that transmits pain called substance P; when applied topically, it has been found that capsaicin reduces this chemical. It has an analgesic effect on the target area, which can be very desirable when living with chronic pain.

The best part if that capsaicin cream is available in many grocery stores as well as online. A prescription isn’t necessary. Depending on the area of your body that needs pain relief, you can even apply it yourself. If you are dealing with back pain, it may be helpful to recruit the assistance of a loved one. Just make sure to either wear disposable gloves while applying the cream or to wash your hands immediately after. It does still come from peppers and will cause painful irritation in the eye or on particularly sensitive patches of skin.

For about $20 you can pick up a pillow that's shape like a horseshoe and has a box on it that advertises way better functionality than you're actually going to get. What I'm referring to is the often-seen-on-TV neck message pillows. They offer varying degrees of vibration and heat. Ideally, for the sake of my recommendation, you'll pick up one with heat.
When I purchased mine, I had a massive upper back and neck tension that was causing me a headache. After plugging it and letting it do its thing for about a half hour I realized that the vibrations were absolutely useless to me: but the heat wasn't. Now, as a backup for any time I strain my shoulders (I tend to keep my stress up there) I pull out this massage pillow and turn the massage to the lowest setting just so the heat can fill me up. So, if you're asking yourself: “why would I ever buy one of those, they don't work” the answer is “you're right, but, they're not entirely useless.” This kind of thing can be used for more serious pain, as well, much in the way that switching ice and heat packs on any other injury would work. Sit down, flip on the TV, let a half hour of heat sink into you, then turn it off and let yourself cool off somehow. This could even be a cool shower.
Small things to consider for minor pain reduction.